Singles day


Last week I was on Uniqlo’s website looking for heat teach turtlenecks, as one does when it below 40’s in NYC, and I saw something about a sale for Singles Day. Intrigued, I looked it up and today, 11/11, is national Singles Day in China (because the 1’s look like 4 singles) and is apparently the busiest online shopping day. I definitely don’t want to celebrate shopping, but I do really love the celebrating being single! So, let’s celebrate Singles day— with or without shopping.

There is a lot of rhetoric out there about how awful being single is, but I strongly disagree. Being single is great! You get to do what you want to do all the time, have the whole bed to yourself, never watch sports or random TV stuff you dislike, always go to your families house for the holiday, etc. Besides all the silly stuff, being single is a chance to get to know yourself, build your full sundae life and LIVE the way you want. Being single is a time to be celebrated!

I do think taking time to celebrate ourselves, our work, the big AND small steps is incredibly important. It’s how we stay in the mindset of progress is always the goal, not perfection. If you find yourself single right now, celebrate your singleness. Owning, loving and relishing in this moment in your life will not prevent you from finding the love you desire. It will only enhance the enjoyment of when the love you desire comes into your life. The more we can enjoy THIS moment right here and now, truly take it all in and find it sacred, the more we will be able to do the same when we receive all that we desire. Why? Our worth isn’t won’t be on anything outside of us to find fulfillment/peace/enjoyment. When we love the moment we are in, our worth is inside of us where it belongs.

I recorded a podcast with the love Shani Silver last spring allllll about how awesome singleness can be. If you want to celebrate singlehood by taking a listen you can do so here. Find a way to celebrate yourself today either with your community or alone. Take a moment before you celebrate to pause, close your eyes and recite the following, “I am doing blank to celebrate myself and my singlehood. I am using this tim being single to learn more about me, to heal, to create a life I love and to build strong community. I am so grateful for this time and am celebrating to show my appreciation.” Then have your celebration! Taking a moment to set an intention before the celebration, creates a more ritualistic feel and allows the action you’re taking to be sacred versus just another thing.

I would love to hear from you— why are you enjoying your singlehood?

If you’re struggling with being single, I look forward to connecting over a session.